Vintage Ashtrays: Learn About and Shop for Antiques and Collectibles

By:Admin on 2023-06-05 03:48:52

Ashtrays Make a Comeback in Modern TimesAshtrays were once a ubiquitous feature in every household and public place in the world. However, with the advancement in technology and changing societal attitudes towards smoking, ashtrays have become a rarity in modern times. But, recently, ashtrays are making a comeback as a collectible item and as a vintage decorative element in homes, cafes, and restaurants.The History of AshtraysAshtrays have been in existence for as long as smoking has been prevalent among humans. The first ashtrays were primitive dishes made from natural materials like seashells, dried gourds, and terra cotta. With time, as smoking became fashionable and popular, ashtrays became more refined and elaborate. By the 19th century, ashtrays had evolved into decorative objects made from porcelain, glass, silver, and even precious stones. Cigarette companies used ornate ashtrays with their logos as promotional tools to advertise their brand, further popularizing them amongst consumers.As smoking became more taboo in society, ashtrays gradually lost their prominence. Yet, even today, they remain relevant, albeit in a different way than before.The Return of Ashtrays Ashtrays are now being seen more as a collectible item. Antique and vintage ashtrays from the 20th century are gaining popularity among collectors. These ashtrays are being valued not just for their functionality, but also for their design and historical significance. Some collectors even consider them as a reflection of their hobby or personality.Online marketplaces like eBay have played a vital role in the resurgence of ashtrays. Collectors and enthusiasts can now easily search for specific ashtrays online and connect with other collectors with the same interests. Sellers cater to niche demands creating an exclusive market for ashtrays. Moreover, with the rise in popularity of mid-century modern design, ashtrays are now being appreciated for their aesthetic appeal as well.Decorative Ashtrays in Modern TimesIn addition to being a collector's item, ashtrays are also finding their way back into homes as a decorative piece. Today, ashtrays are not limited to just smokers. They are being used in unique ways to enhance interior design like being used as small, quirky planters or as unique wedding or party favors. Furthermore, with many people opting for outdoor smoking areas, ashtrays are also gaining importance as a functional piece. Bars, cafes and restaurants now use ashtrays not just as a necessity but as a design element as well. Ashtrays can be used to add color and interest to an otherwise dull outdoor space or to give an artful touch to smoking areas.ConclusionIn conclusion, ashtrays might be old-fashioned in one sense, but in another, they are making a comeback. Ashtrays are no longer viewed as a symbol of smoking but as an object of art and nostalgia. Collectors are restoring these vintage pieces, and they are being appreciated in different ways for their style, design, and historical relevance. Ashtrays are back and are here to stay.

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Small Storage Shed Destroyed in Accidental Fire on Freeland Avenue

By:Admin on 2023-05-29 03:58:14

A discarded cigarette is likely the cause of a fire that destroyed a small storage shed in the 2600 block of Freeland Avenue on Wednesday. The City Fire Department responded to the scene around 4:30 pm, and it took several firefighters to bring the blaze under control. The shed was a total loss, and damages were estimated at $50,000.According to Fire Chief John Smith, the initial investigation indicated that the fire was accidental, likely caused by a discarded cigarette that wasn't properly extinguished. "Fires caused by cigarettes are preventable," said Chief Smith. "We urge smokers to use caution when discarding cigarettes and always make sure they're completely extinguished."The shed was owned by the XYZ Garden Center, which specializes in landscaping and outdoor décor. The company released a statement expressing their gratitude to the firefighters who responded to the scene and their relief that no one was injured. "We're still assessing the damage, but we're grateful that the fire was contained and didn't spread to any adjacent buildings," said the statement.The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of fire safety in any workplace. The XYZ Garden Center said it would review its fire safety procedures and make any necessary changes to prevent future incidents. "We take this matter very seriously and will do everything in our power to ensure the safety of our employees and customers," the statement said.In light of this incident, the City Fire Department is reminding residents to take precautions to prevent fires in their homes and workplaces. They recommend that smokers always fully extinguish their cigarettes and use a designated ashtray, never smoke in bed or when drowsy, keep flammable materials away from heat sources, and have working smoke detectors installed throughout their homes.With the summer season in full swing, the Fire Department is also reminding residents to be cautious with outdoor activities that could lead to fires. "Grilling, campfires, and fireworks are all popular summer activities, but they can also be dangerous," said Chief Smith. "We encourage everyone to be mindful and follow safety guidelines to prevent accidents."The City Fire Department provides fire safety education and resources to the community, including fire prevention tips, smoke detector installations, and fire escape planning. Anyone interested in learning more or scheduling a visit should contact the Fire Department at (123) 456-7890.While the damage caused by the shed fire on Freeland Avenue is significant, it serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of taking fire safety seriously. By following some simple guidelines, we can all help prevent fires and keep ourselves and our communities safe.

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